Thursday 19 July 2012

3D Character Modeling India

3D Modeling in India: Choosing the Right Studio

How to choose the right 3d character modeling studio is something that everyone is bogged down due to the huge availability of choices. Here are a few tips that can help you zero-in on the right one.

Animation, as an industry, has seen one of the largest and fastest expansions in both India and abroad. The amount of creativity, innovative and entertainment that it has produced cannot be easily measured. Needless to say, interest in 3D Animation has grown exponentially.

3D Character Modeling is an important – and in fact, the starting point – of most animation projects. By animation projects, we refer not just simple movies and short films of the animation genre, but of countless other areas like architecture, 3D walk-through, prototyping, manufacturing industry, etc.

Character Modeling: The Most Vital Aspect

Character Modeling plays an enormously important part in animation. It involves not just artists with a flair for character design but also high-end coders and software specialists who can handle, tweak and test continuously to add the touch of reality and brilliance to the character models thus designed.

Perhaps, this level of expertise and knack is what leads to the popularity of 3D Character Modeling in India. Plenty of 3d animation company has emerged in the Indian panorama lending their services to clients from all over the globe.

3D Character Modeling in India: Getting The Best Job Done

From simple advertisements to full-scale movies, from static architectural displays to full-fledged product walk-through, 3D has constantly turned out to be the best medium of choice. It connects instantly with the viewer, grasping their attention and surprising them in awe.

But, all of it takes a lot of time, resources and most vitally, expert hands.

Choosing the right 3D Character Modeling Company in India is of same importance as that reflects, very clearly, on the end product's quality.

How To Choose The Right 3D Modeling Studio?

As stated before, with the exponential growth, we have witnessed an equally exponential boom in the number of companies offering 3D character modeling services, along with a host of other 3D animation services.

While this adds a lot of choice for the client, it also makes it harder to figure out the right studio to work with.

Experience is often a good and reliable scale to go by, but if you are looking for enormous creativity, with a lot of innovative ideas sparkling around, you have to put experience far behind in the criteria.

Tools and resources play a vital role in the ability of a team, or a studio, to create great 3D Character models that are close to being very real. Rich details, attention to texture, colors and more can happen not only when the designer has an eye for perfection in detail but also when there are capable tools and resources. 3DS Max and Maya are not the only software, but they're good to start with.

Cost is another important aspect. These days, we find that highly-experienced and established companies and studios – that charge a lot – produce mediocre work while small companies with small teams and very little experience render amazing creativity, richness and attention to detail.

3D Character Modeling in India has emerged and has also matured to a large extent. 3D Character Modeling can help your project in plenty of ways through a good level of value addition.